Aug 29, 2011

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Wax On, Wax Off

The Karate Kid’s mentor had him polishing the heck out of his old car to teach the kid discipline, patience, strength, and get a shiny automobile at the end.  I just wrote “The End” on the manuscript for ANGEL OF SYN

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. Next comes the chore of going back and doing the writer’s version of “wax on, wax off” called Editing This is the part where the manuscript gets polished up nice and shiny.  I’ll wax on details, character traits, setting, dialogue, to make sure it flows, there are no plot holes, and the timeline makes sense.  Then I’ll wax off, repetitive words, passive voice, filter words (i.e., I thought, I saw, I wondered, etc.), poor grammar, unnecessary adverbs, and poor punctuation.  The I’ll proofread it, have my writing group review it, and have my beta reader read it.  If it sounds like a lot of work, you’re right, it is.  But it’s essential.  I just went through the Word file and did a search for the word “was” and tried to eliminate most of them.  It was an all-day effort.  At the end of the editing cycle I’m sure that even though the draft might not be absolutely perfect, it’ll look a whole lot shinier than it did before.

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