Posted by Mertianna Georgia in Blog | 0 Comments
So Little Time for Life’s little Indulgences
I read an article recently about a consumer spending trend. In past economic downturns the sale of lipstick historically goes up (I’m going to assume women are the main consumers, but if this is a false assumption, hey, who am I to judge?). This year nail polish had taken over as the cash-strapped person’s little indulgence of choice
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It probably won’t come as a shock to learn that most writers are also avid readers. Sure, you say, I knew that, but why bring it up now? I thought we were talking about lipstick and nail polish? I propose that fantasy, romance, and other escapist genres are also proving a popular little indulgence. Reality is the fly in our chardonnay (to quote a song lyric). I don’t know about you (Renfields excluded), I’d rather have a guy in my chardonnay. And maybe that guy is a hunky supernatural type who is head-over-tail in lust with me and… Sorry got carried away.
But that’s the point, isn’t it? To get carried away by a story, to worry about a hero/heroine’s troubles and not our own troubles for a while? So while out shopping for a little indulgence, I say put down that Dior silver nail polish and buy a book instead. The pleasure of a good story will last longer than it takes for someone to comment on your soon-to-chip manicure.