Posted by Mertianna Georgia in Blog | 1 Comment
Yes, you’re in the right place if you wanted to visit Mertianna’s website. I just remodeled the site to celebrate my new novel, ANGEL OF SYN. If you visited earlier, it might have said ANGLE OF SYN right over the book trailer. I never noticed it. Every time I tried to look for things to edit my eyes locked on the hunky guy in the book trailer and all thoughts of spelling just faded away.
Fortunately, one of my sharp-eyed readers emailed me to say although ANGLE OF SYN gave her delightfully dirty thoughts; she knew it wasn’t the name of my book. After a panicky call out to my web designer involving lots of CAPITAL LETTERS and exclamation points!!! I figured out how to fix the problem myself. I apologized for the bit of drama and went on my merry way, leaving my poor besieged web person to shake her head and sigh.
You’ll see some changes here at the revitalized site. My blog entries have been few and far between but I vow to write more often. There, I’ve said it (or actually wrote it) so I have to do it. Right? This will not be like the time I announced that I planned to do a Julie and Julia type thing (a woman named Julie blogged about making every single recipe in a Julia Child cookbook) except with THE BIG BOOK OF MARTINIS. After the sixth recipe I realized that I should have done one per day, not one per hour. And another project fell over with a happy grin on its face. But I jest…or digress (your choice)
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If you are reading this, thank you! If you are not reading this, there’s really nothing more I can say on the matter. I plan to do fun things like contests and give-a-ways in the near future. I may even go on a blog tour. (I wonder if I should pack THE BIG BOOK OF MARTINIS in my tour luggage?)
Stay tuned.
I enjoyed reading your blog post! Made me laugh:) I like that martini blog proposal . . . .