Feb 18, 2013

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meteor-showerThe news of a meteorite crashing into Russia made me start thinking of how random life can be.  You go along all set to plan next year’s vacation (or writer’s conference) and bam. A meteorite falls on you.  It’s the ultimate uninvited guest without the manners to call first to see if you’re at home or want company.  And when the meteorite arrives it leaves a mess, lies around in its smoking crater, and expects everyone to wait on it. It consumes everything in the vicinity and doesn’t offer to pay or replace. Meanwhile you can’t complain because you’re likely very badly injured. It was a rather big meteorite.  The velocity of the strike was so fast that the hurtling rock broke the sound barrier.  A resulting sonic boom exploded windows and blew out doors.  And it didn’t even say “excuse me” afterwards.  Randomness

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. Meteorites. Life. What can you do?

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