Posted by Mertianna Georgia in Blog | 0 Comments
SYN IN THE CITY is available now!
Finally! The epic journey, five years in the making, has finally resulted in the publication of my first book. SYN IN THE CITY (A Synemancer Novel) is now available through Amazon Kindle, ImaJinn Books website, and soon on Barnes and Noble website through Fictionwise. I’m having my first book signing event in April at the RT Convention (see the Events & Appearances page for details). Already my friends have been downloading the Kindle version (at a low low introductory price of $2.99). Yes I meant to write the word “low” twice. Now I have to figure out how to get Paypal on this site for signed copies and links to Amazon and Barnes and Noble…
The next book in this series is tentatively titled ANGEL OF SYN (A Synemancer Novel). Fans of Azrael (named after the Angel of Death), the handsome white-blond witch bodyguard, will get to see more of him as his and Cara’s relationship evolves
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. The other usual suspects will also be on board in a new sexy, humorous, at times terrifying adventure.